Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eight Months Old Already!

Today Michael is eight months old! Where has the time gone? He is doing so many new things now. His latest trick is to sit himself up and to rock back and forth on all fours (so close to crawling!). He's also trying to pull up on everything and get into anything! We have now lowered his crib mattress so we don't have any unplanned exits! He is quite a talker and has lots to babble about! He is also eating a variety of solids now including rice cereal, squash, carrots (yuck), sweet potatoes (yum), peas (yuck), bananas, and pears. He is also very interested in drinking out of a big boy cup, so we are working with him on that, too. Michael now has 3 teeth (the two bottom and one on top) with two more looking ready to come in. He recently had a fun visit out to Oklahoma to see family. I'll have those pictures up soon. :)