Saturday, January 31, 2009

Let the Sun Shine In!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Wonderland

This Frog's For You

I'm Gonna Get That Toucan!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We had about 4 inches of snow overnight. We woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland!

Jason had the day off due to the weather, so we bundled Michael up and took him outside to see the snow.

He thought it was too bright and too cold!

He lasted about 2 minutes before we decided to take him back inside!

He really loves his snowsuit - although he was having a hard time figuring out where his fingers were!

Monday, January 26, 2009


It was a quiet and peaceful day in the Meunier house. The baby was sleeping...

There was beautiful snow outside...

BUT, badness was lurking! Oscar, get off the table!!! You know you're NOT supposed to be up there!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Michael is 12 weeks old today

Michael and his Woof-Woof cuddle.

Michael and Oscar playing together.

Oscar, what are you doing?!?

Give me 5!!!

I'm a happy boy today!

Michael Playing with Daddy

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Sunny Friday

The frozen pond is beginning to melt and the geese are "walking on water".

Oscar is catching some sun.

A brief respite from the cold... we got up to 50 degrees today! It was nice enough to take Michael out for a walk in his stroller, which he really seemed to enjoy. It's been several weeks since we could get out and walk; he seemed to take in alot more of his surroundings, in a cautious kind of way. He is really a shy little guy; I told him all about everything we were seeing and he just listened intently, every once in a while his eyes would leave mine and he'd just look around. And then he'd get shy and look straight into my eyes until he felt brave again.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bathtime Cuteness

Michael has begun to really enjoy his baths! He was just so cute in his little froggy towel last night that I had to shoot some pics! He was really trying hard to giggle while he was on the changing table, but he doesn't quite have that figured out yet.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our Sixth Wedding Anniversary

Jason gave me some beautiful yellow roses and a pair of earrings with little black cats on them. He got a pair of plaid pajama pants (he's styling now). We went out for lunch and did some shopping - it was a wonderful day!

Of course, Michael is our greatest gift of all. Here he is sporting some dinosaur pjs.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside!!!

Our low this morning was 6 degrees below zero! Burr! Michael and I have spent the last two days upstairs because it's warmer than downstairs!

Look What I Can Do!

Michael has learned to hold a rattle in his hand (if you put it in his hand for him) and is getting much better at batting at his toys. He's an amazing boy!

Photos from December Part 2

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An Unexpected Visitor

This morning while we were having breakfast, we spotted this little guy in the backyard. I think he lives under our deck. He just hung out and watched us for the longest time. He's a cute little fella.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Michael Goes to Church and Small Group - He's the Man about Town

Michael went to Sunday school and small group for the first time this Sunday. He was a champ and slept through it all. The picture is of him all dressed up to go. :)

My Favorite of Michael's Six Week Pictures

Michael's Six Week Pics

Friday, January 9, 2009

Michael heard that his cousin Lexi was learning French, and he wanted to help get her started!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Rare Occurence

Oh, Oscar... Jason was cuddling Michael, and Oscar just decided he wanted cuddles, too! I can't even begin to say how shocked I was to see this!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Poor Little Boy Got 2 Shots Today

Band-aids... one on each thigh! Today was Michael's 2 month check-up with the pediatrician. He's doing great - he now weighs 14 pounds and measures 24 inches long (wow, that's 2 feet!). He had 2 shots today, and he cried, and mommy wanted to cry, too...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fun with Oscar

Oscar loves Jason's cologne!

Oscar also loves Michael's activity mat. Here we see him graciously sharing the mat with Michael.

We were actually very excited to see the cat being so willing to hang out with the baby - let's hope he still feels that way once Michael is mobile :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I Hate Burps!

Our boy doesn't care for being burped... but we must insist!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Froggy Fun at Bath Time!

Michael loves his froggy pottery barn bath towel (thank you, Cheryl!). He usually dislikes his nightly sponge down (he prefers his twice weekly tub baths), but he really seemed to enjoy this bath.

Get a Grip... Got It!

Michael is learning to grip things. He isn't quite sure how he got 'hold of this rattle, but he's not about to let go! He is also getting good at gripping mommy's hair - time to start wearing ponytails for mommy!