We decided that now would be a good time to paint a few rooms/walls in our new home (before any furniture arrives). After many trips to the paint sample aisle of Home Depot, we decided to paint the kitchen a pretty red color called "currant jam" and the baby's room a soothing blue called "sonata" (better for a boy than the pink that was in there). We also decided to paint 2 accent walls in our living room and master bedroom "sage green". Here are some before and after shots (actually, we are still working on the kitchen - it is needing several coats). Oh, before anyone fusses at me, I Missy do solemnly vow that I did not pick up a single paint brush nor climb any ladders. My role in this project was simply to choose colors and locations. Jason did a great job being in charge of the painting and we owe many thanks to the many friends that helped with the decision making and painting process!

Jason taping some walls.

Before shot of kitchen.

With a little (actually alot) of help from our friends....
Painting the kitchen, love the pink primer! After shot of kitchen (lighting is not good in this)

Before shot of bedroom wall.

The living room wall all taped up.

After shot of living room wall.

Baby's room before - no pink for Mr. Peanut!

Painting the baby's room.

Finished! Can't wait to decorate!